for diverse, democratic and accountable media

Campaign to defend the BBC

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John Whittingdale MP - write to him
John Whittingdale MP - Write to him.

The NUJ, broadcasting unions and supporters of the corporation, in conjunction with Broadcast Magazine, are hosting a public meeting and lobby of parliament on Wednesday 10 June as part of the campaign to defend the BBC. We need to get a high turnout of NUJ members and supporters on the day and will be briefing union members at 4.00 pm to highlight key issues and explain how to green card lobby your MP then have a public meeting at 6.30pm. Please save the date, share the details with colleagues and attend on the day.

Please sign the petition calling on John Whittingdale MP, the minister for culture, media and sport, to protect the BBC and ensure it has the necessary resources to remain as a strong impartial voice across the UK and internationally.

Sign the petition online at:

Further information will be on the NUJ web site next week at:

DATELINE: 22 May, 2015
