for diverse, democratic and accountable media

BBC Chair to speak and take questions

events |
:VLV conference in London, 25 April: BBC Chairman, Michael Grade, will give the keynote speech and take questions in an interactive session at VLV ’s 22nd Annual Spring Conference: ‘Building Public Value in Broadcasting ’ in London on Monday, 25 April. The conference will be held at Hamilton House, Mabldedon Place, off Euston Road, London WC1, from 11.;00 - 4.45pm (coffee from 10.30am).

Mr Grade is expected to outline his vision of the future for the BBC in an informal presentation, with plenty of time allowed for discussion and questions from the floor.

The conference takes place five weeks before the end of the public consultation on the Government ’s Green Paper on the Future of the BBC, launched by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media & Sport on 2 March. Copies of the Green Paper can be obtained from the DCMS: 0207 211 6000 or downloaded from the DCMS website:

VLV ’s 2004 Awards for Excellence in Broadcasting will be presented during the conference, starting at 1.45pm.

Commenting, VLV chairman, Jocelyn Hay said: ‘We are delighted that Michael Grade has agreed to outline his views at this conference, and that he is particularly keen to make it an interactive session in which anyone concerned about the future of the BBC and its programmes and services can question him and air their own views. The event will provide a unique opportunity for viewers and listeners to air their views as citizens and consumers on the future of the Corporation, its governance and funding, and on the role it should continue to play in British cultural and democratic life.

Editor ’s note: Reporters and photographers welcome. Please ask for a pass.

Venue: Hamilton Huse, Mabledon Place, off Euston Road, London WC1. 10.30 - 4.45pm.

Tickets: £85 including buffet lunch; Concessions £45 including buffet lunch,

Students: £22. All prices include VAT.

For tickets: contact Linda Forbes on 01474 352835 or book online via:

For further information contact: Eddie Tulasiewicz or Jocelyn Hay on 01474 - 352835 ,

Or e-mail :

DATELINE: 25 January, 2010
