for diverse, democratic and accountable media

Really the End of the World?

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Posted by NUJ release

Whatever individual journalists or readers feel about it, the closure of the News of the World has been a deeply significant event in the history of the media in the UK. But, as ever, the question arises: where do we go from here? The NUJ has a long commitment to protecting professional journalism and quality as well as defending our members' jobs.

That's why the union has organised a meeting this Thursday (14 July) in Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL at 7.00 pm to consider the prospects for media life after the end of the World.

While the event, with a panel of eminent speakers, is mainly intended for NUJ members, the union will be delighted to welcome others with an interest in the issues. Please email to ensure a place.

DATELINE: 13 July, 2011
