for diverse, democratic and accountable media

The Emperor has no clothes - Murdoch's Media Empire from Wapping to Hacking.

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7.00pm Tuesday 13 September at NUJ Headland House, 308 Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1X 8DP. all welcome.

In the wake of the phone hacking scandal at News International, the NUJ and Unite, together with the Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom, have organised a public meeting during TUC Congress on press regulation, media ownership and the NUJ campaign for a conscience clause.

Speakers confirmed:
Tom Watson MP
Martin Moore - Director of the Media Standards Trust
Michelle Stanistreet - NUJ General Secretary
Tony Burke – Unite Assistant General Secretary
Granville Williams – Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom
Alex Wilks - Avaaz
A buffet and wine will be provided - all welcome.

Please RSVP by emailing:

DATELINE: 5 September, 2011
