for diverse, democratic and accountable media

European Social Forum

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The European Social Forum (ESF) is being held in London (Alexandra Palace and Bloomsbury) from 15 -17 October. For details of how to register and for the complete programme, follow the link to on the main page of this item.

Registration in advance costs £30 (waged) and £20 (unwaged). You can also contact the ESF on 0208 809 5347. There are a number of media relate seminars which feature CPBF and NUJ speakers: 15 October: 9am-12 noon Civil Liberties and the ‘War on Terror ’. 16 October: 9am - 11am The Lies of War: exposing propaganda and fighting censorship. 16 October: 4.30pm—6.30pm Concentration of the Media. 17 October: 9am - 12 noon Keep Media Free from state and commercial interference (defending and democratising PSB) being held at Natfhe HQ (27 Britannia Street, Kings Cross, London WC1). Seminars are held at Alexandra Palace, unless stated, but it's best to check ESF website for updates and any last minute changes. The Media Culture and Communications Rights Network is holding a number of meetings from 14th to 17th October and details can be found by following the link below to or emailing Throughout the four days, daily Indymedia meetings will be held to co-ordinate grassroots media coverage. The space will also serve as a hub for other initiatives such as web-radio production, as well as providing information on all of the other events within the ESF that relate to communication rights.

DATELINE: 25 January, 2010
